1: How long have you played this game?
2: how much do you know about this game? (Little, Normally, A lot)
3: Have you ever lead a team before? (How many Members)
4: How are you going to Inspires and motivates members?
5: what do you do if someone isn't following orders?
6: How are you going to make a positive environment?
7: What makes you a team player?
8: How are you going to solve issues in the clan?
9: Should you listen to your clan's ideas sometimes?
10: What image should the LHR have?
11: What makes a clan work well?
12: What makes you better than other leaders?
13: What makes you a good leader for the LHR?
14: What makes you want to run this LHR Clan?
15: What is the future of your Clan?
Game Leader
Application Form
Or Copy and Paste then send Lamman27 the application
on Discord/Steam
Anyone that wants to run for Leader for the LHR Clan can apply here. You will have help from Lamman27 and other LHR Leaders with this clan as part of the LHR Family
Leader are expected to grow the group in either Skill or Numbers and to have an active clan. If you feel like you don't have the Time or Skills then this role isn't for you